Dear customer, On this website you can discover our vast collection and compose - and if you wish to purchase or ordering some of the articles, then do not hesitate to give us a call: +34 951 242 092 or send an email: For the time being, our articles cannot be purchased online.
Linoleum top and oak soaped solid oak base Dear customer, On this website you can discover our vast collection and compose - and if you wish to purchase or ordering some of the articles, then do not hesitate to give us a call: +34 951 242 092 or send an email: For the time being, our articles cannot be purchased online.
A dining table in real smoked oak from MUUBS for 10 persons. The dark color goes 2-3 millimeters down into the table top. Due to the natural content of tannins in the wood, lighter markings on the table top can occur. At the end of the table can be added an extension leaf plate that is easy to add or remove as needed. The extension leaf is purchased...
On this website you can discover our Muubs collection - and if you wish to purchase or ordering some of the articles, then do not hesitate to give us a call: +34 951 242 092 or send an email: For the time being, our articles cannot be purchased online.